French CleanTech


A purer air

SP3H : A purer air

SP3H is a french company, with a patented system which allows an innovative way to determine fuel components. This smart fuel sensor is based on combination of infrared technology and specific data treatment more Read more


Desalinisation & Demineralization

3MW : Desalinisation & Demineralization

3MW is a french cleantech company which has designed a simple, robust and modular equipment that reproduces the natural water cycle. MEDC technology makes it possible to produce fresh demineralized water from sea or brackish water. The way it works is very simple, as it reproduces the natural water cycle in a compact module: evaporating the water, then diffusing the vapor into the air, and condensing it in the form of distilled waterread more Read more


Diagnostic tool for agriculture

Force-A : Diagnostic tool for agriculture

FORCE-A is a french company, which opens new opportunities for actors of the agricultural world through its innovative diagnostic solutions and support real-time management of more Read more


Building with sewage

VBC3000 : Building with sewage

VBC 3000 aims to develop, industrialize and / or operate production activities of ceramic materials from waste treatment. This proprietary technology enhances the treatment sludge to water sanitation, in order to transform them into ceramic materials of constructionread more Read more


Solar ice fridge

Solaref : Solar ice fridge

SOLAREF is an autonomous solar ice fridge, 100% thermal solar, without wear nor maintenance, providing affordable and environmentally safe refrigeration for the maintenance of vaccines and medicines, and the preservation of food. It is producedby the SOLAREF company, and it is extremely useful where there is no electricity or difficulties in supplies of electricity (energy). Furthermore SOLAREFhas a cooperative trade distribution network strategy , through which helps installing the solar ice fridge in every part of the more Read more