French CleanTech
Air & Environment


Optimise windmill efficiency

Leosphere : Optimise windmill efficiency

Leosphere is a leading specialist in the development of lidar technology for atmospheric observations. The company offers turn-key remote sensors that provide real-time tracking and measurement of particles, clouds, and more Read more


Climate information technology

Climpact : Climate information technology

Founded in 2003 by climate experts, Climpact is the European leader in Climate Business Intelligence. Starting from the observation that 70% of the economy is “weather-sensitive," the french cleantech company designs and promotes Weather Competitiveness: understanding, measuring and anticipating the impact of weather fluctuations on business to improve competitiveness. Climpact Weather Competitiveness Services allow companies to turn the risk associated with weather fluctuations into competitive advantages for each of their products or more Read more


Microalgae based fuels

Eco-solution : Microalgae based fuels

Eco-Solution is dedicated to overall performance improvement in industrial biological processes by increasing microbial biodiversity. The company has developed a unique technology platform enabling to select and develop micro-organisms with a performance allowing to satisfy industrial environmental and regulatory requirements. This directed in vivo evolution platform is based on the acceleration of natural evolution and requires no manipulation of the more Read more